These are the wonderful writers and artists that have been published by Fallen Tree Press.
M. Lee Adamz creates from and teaches reclamation narrative, cousin to the Native American concept of story medicine. Adamz believes that from the sublime to the mundane, words are a fundamental vehicle for meaningful human exchange. Adamz says “Performance is the medium through which meaning exceeds words. While we have become used to instant communication, we are collectively suffering from lack of human interaction; the response and benefit we get as we listen to stories unravel.
“—Simply –With nothing more than a place to sit and the sound of a human voice weaving words with another’s reality. –To walk, for a moment, someone else’s mile.”
(Portraits of Life: An Ekphrastic Anthology”)

Clifford Bernier is the author of three poetry collections; he has been nominated for two Pushcart Prizes and his book The Silent Art won the Gival Press Poetry Award. He appears on harmonica in the Accumulated Dust world music series and is featured on the EP Post-Columbian America. A member of the Washington Writers Collective, he has been featured on NPR’s The Poet and the Poem from the Library of Congress.
(Portraits of Life: An Ekphrastic Anthology”)

Ann Bracken has authored three poetry collections, Once You’re Inside: Poems Exploring Incarceration, No Barking in the Hallways: Poems from the Classroom and The Altar of Innocence, serves as a contributing editor for Little Patuxent Review, and co-facilitates the Wilde Readings Poetry Series. Her poetry, essays, and interviews have appeared in numerous anthologies and journals, and Ann’s poetry has garnered two Pushcart Prize nominations. She’s been featured in Best American Poetry and interviewed by Grace Cavalieri on The Poet and the Poem. Ann’s advocacy work promotes using the arts to foster paradigm change in the areas of emotional wellness, education, and prison abolition.
(Portraits of Life: An Ekphrastic Anthology”)

Pamela Brunell writes as Pamela Smith. She recently published a book of poems centered on the 17 years she spent with her husband and two sons in Africa and Vietnam as well as her farm in Maryland.
Her book, Beloving, is an autobiography in poetry form. The stories include her reaction to seeing new worlds and meeting memorable people. You’ll discover over 100 poems and stories and 70 images about the African bush, elephants, love, yoga, nature, family, friendship, the chakras, a meditation, and prayers.
Pam weaves in humor in the poem, “I Love to Annoy My Wife”. Included are words of love Pam and her husband, David wrote to each other, poems written by her two sons, a prayer to St Teresa which always works if you lose something, and a goodnight prayer to say with your children.
Pam wrote her poems and stories in journals and carried 29 spiral notebooks home from Zimbabwe in her hand luggage to keep them safe. She lives on a farm and nature sanctuary in Maryland where she cavorts with honeybees, wildflowers, butterflies, and her tomato gardens.
She’s produced plays, performed in the theater, and has been a featured speaker at several poetry events. Pam serves on the Advisory Board of The Poets Corner.
Beloving is available on Amazon.
Instagram: (@pambeloving
Facebook: @pambeloving
(Portraits of Life: An Ekphrastic Anthology”)

Angela H. Dale writes poetry for adults and picture books for children and the adults who read to them. Her poetry has appeared in The Skinny Poetry Journal (a skinny is an amazing poetic form, NOT a body type), Borderlands, Naugatuck Review and elsewhere. Her picture book debut BUS STOP, illustrated by Lala Watkins, hits shelves October 4, 2022.
(Portraits of Life: An Ekphrastic Anthology”)

Scot Ehrhardt published his first collection of poetry, One of Us Is Real, in 2016. He has appeared in Little Patuxent Review, Tidal Basin Review, and Lines + Stars. He supervises two journals for young writers–Magruder High School’s The Mill, and Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth’s Lexophilia. His current project is an ergodic hybrid of poetry and escape room, titled The Armillary Papers, which he will likely never finish, and end up losing his sanity in pursuing it like Captain Ahab.
(Portraits of Life: An Ekphrastic Anthology”)

Hiram Larew‘s poems have appeared widely. His fifth collection, Mud Ajar, was published by Atmosphere Press in 2021.
(Portraits of Life: An Ekphrastic Anthology)

Kateema Lee is a Washington D.C. native. Her work has been published in print and online journals such as Beltway Poetry Quarterly, African American Review, Gargoyle, Baltimore Review, and others. Kateema is the author of two chapbooks, Almost Invisible and Musings of a Netflix Binge Viewer. Her collection, Transcript of the Unnamed, explores joy, identity, violence, and the “brief, bright lives” of missing and forgotten black women in Washington, DC.
She can be found at
(Mundane Things)

Kari Ann Martindale is a spoken word artist who strives for social justice. She serves on the Board of Maryland Writers’ Association and is a partner in the EC Poetry & Prose collective. Her poetry has been published in Pen-in-Hand and Maryland Bards Poetry Review 2022, and featured in Berks Bardfest 2021. Kari has a Master’s in Linguistics and a background in translation and interpretation, and has visited all 50 States and nearly 40 countries. She can be found at
(Portraits of Life: An Ekphrastic Anthology)

Ann Quinn is a poet, editor, teacher, mentor, mother, and classical clarinetist. Her award-winning work has been published in Poet Lore, Potomac Review, Little Patuxent Review, Broadkill Review, The Ekphrastic Review, Haibun Today, and Snapdragon, and is included in the anthology Red Sky: Poetry on the Global Epidemic of Violence Against Women. Her chapbook, Final Deployment, is published by Finishing Line Press, and a book co-written with one of her long-running classes, Poetry is Life, is now available from Yellow Arrow Publishing. She teaches poetry courses via Zoom for Yellow Arrow and the Writer’s Center in Bethesda and is the poetry editor for Yellow Arrow Journal. Ann holds an M.F.A. in poetry from Pacific Lutheran University and lives in Catonsville, Maryland with her family. Visit her at
(Portraits of Life: An Ekphrastic Anthology”)

April M. Rimpo’s goal in her paintings is to tell stories of life. She uses color and light to create an enticing piece while infusing it with emotion. Her preferred media are watercolor and fluid acrylic. She hopes others will recall stories of their own, so she abstracts portions of the painting to help them fill in the details. She says, “I feel a piece is successful when the mood I want is achieved, however real success comes when others tell me the story they see in the painting. What a tremendous sense of satisfaction in successfully evoking a memory or an emotion in another. What more could I ask for as an artist?”
Rimpo’s paintings have been included in over 70 national exhibitions. She has also co-curated two exhibitions with Elaine-Weiner-Reed where they invite poets and musicians to create new works inspired by their paintings. April produced several videos documenting the Ekphrastic events. She achieved Signature Artist status in 7 watercolor societies, the International Society of Acrylic Painters, and the International Society of Experimental Artist. Her work is published in one Best of Watercolor and three Best of Acrylic books and one Special Edition of The Best in Watercolor magazine presented by Artists Magazine.
(Portraits of Life: An Ekphrastic Anthology)

Marsheila (Marcy) Rockwell (Chippewa/Red River Métis) is a Rhysling Award-winning poet and author. Her work includes novels set in the Marvel Universe and in the world of Dungeons & Dragons Online, as well as numerous short stories, poems, comic book scripts, and TTRPG adventures. She is also a pediatric cancer and mental health awareness advocate. She currently lives in Arizona with her husband, three of their five children, multiple rescues, and far too many books. When not writing, she spends her time reading and getting in good trouble. She is a citizen of the Manitoba Métis Federation. Find out more here:
(Blood Quantum & Other Hate Crimes)

Patti Ross graduated from Washington, DC’s Duke Ellington School for the Performing Arts, The American University and The Keller Graduate School of Management. As a lifetime learner Patti holds a certificate in Writing for Social Justice from the University of California, Berkley. After high-school graduation, she performed with several local theatre companies in the Washington region. In addition to her performance career, she used her college degree in print media to freelance several of her journalist pieces gaining publication in The Washington Times and the Rural America newspapers. Next, Patti took on the corporate technology arena, gaining Presidents Club recognition at several fortune 500 companies. Having traveled throughout the United States and abroad, she chose to raise her daughters in Columbia, MD. A few years ago, Patti rediscovered her love of writing and is sharing her voice as the spoken word artist “little pi.” Her debut chapbook, St. Paul Street Provocations, was released in 2021 by Yellow Arrow Publishing. She is a former board member for the Maryland Writers Association. At present, she sits on the advisory boards of several non-profit organizations in the Baltimore region. Patti lives in Ellicott City, MD. In 2021 she was nominated for a Pushcart award for her poem “Indemnity”. Follow her blog at:
Amazon author page:
St. Paul Street Provocations at Yellow Arrow Publishing (https://
(Portraits of Life: An Ekphrastic Anthology”)

Lacie Semenovich is a poet, fiction writer, and creativity blogger living in Cleveland, Ohio. Her work has appeared in Sheila-Na-Gig online, Qwerty, Chiron Review, Writing in a Woman’s Voice, Of Rust and Glass, White Wall Review, Best Short Fictions 2020, and other journals and anthologies. She shares her writing and creativity tips online at The Spaghetti Year. She is the author of a chapbook Legacies (Finishing Line Press, 2012).
(Community, Not Market)

Terri Simon’s poetry chapbooks include Ghosts of My Own Choosing (Flutter Press, 2017) and Ringing the Bell (Clare Songbirds Publishing House,n 2021). Her work has appeared in “The Avenue,” “Third Wednesday,” “Poetry Quarterly,” “Ariel Chart,” “Bay to Ocean 2019,” and other print and online journals and anthologies. In 2022, she founded Fallen Tree Press, LLC with Patti Ross. Fallen Tree Press is a small press specializing in publishing poetry chapbooks. Terri is also part of the management team for EC Poetry and Prose, a writing collective. She grew up in Mount Vernon, NY, studied writing at Sarah Lawrence College, and lives in Laurel, Maryland.
Amazon author page:
(Portraits of Life: An Ekphrastic Anthology)

Elaine Weiner-Reed’s professional art qualifications include juror, lecturer, blogger, committee member, and instructor. Weiner-Reed earned Signature/Lifetime Artist memberships in the Baltimore, Potomac Valley, and Georgia Watercolor Societies, and is a Signature Member of the International Society of Experimental Artists. In 2020, she wrote, illustrated, and published three children’s books (
Her art has been included in international exhibitions in China, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Spain, France, Poland, Canada, and over 70 international, national, and regional exhibits across the U.S. – including three solo and two group shows in Chelsea. Her artwork is in public, private, corporate, and museum collections in the U.S. and Europe. Weiner-Reed creates abstract assemblages in form, color, and line. Her work juxtaposes strength and inner beauty with vulnerability and external imperfections. She sees beauty in humans as they are – each one a unique and multifaceted three-dimensional tableau. In her figurative paintings, Weiner-Reed lets the form and placement of figures imply subsurface content and emotion. She explores the energy, motivations, chemistry, and undercurrents between individuals, learning that what distinguishes us, defines us. What defines us, connects us. Monuments to life, her works resurrect feelings of transcendence, mystery, and hope. She fosters creative and Ekphrastic collaboration (, inviting you to become part of her story.
(Portraits of Life: An Ekphrastic Anthology)